Travel information

    Get to Ljubljana by Air

    The nearest airport is Ljubljana international airport (Brnik) northwest of the city 25 km from Ljubljana. Current flight schedule is avilable here:

    Important: an early booking of your flight is strongly recommended!

    Distances from other major international airports: Trieste (120 km), Venice VCE & TSF (<230 km), Zagreb (150 km).

    Airport transfer
    Get to Ljubljana by road

    Arriving to Ljubljana by car is easy. Listed below are distances to some nearby cities: 

    • Klagenfurt (Austria) - 90 km
    • Trieste (Italy) - 90 km
    • Venice (Italy) - 240 km
    • Munich (Germany) - 410 km
    Cankarjev dom is located in centre of Ljubljana were there are limited Parking spaces.